Addressing Divorce and Custody Myths Part 1

Addressing Divorce and Custody Myths Part 1

Custody and Divorce Myths This is the first of a multi-part of a series where we will address some common myths about divorce and custody. By no means, are these all of them. Stay tuned with our blog for more of them!     Divorce is Something to Be Ashamed...
Common Divorce Conflicts

Common Divorce Conflicts

Here at Alexander and Associates, LLC Attorneys at Law, we know that divorce is much more complicated  than a typical break up. We are local divorce attorneys who are here to help you navigate the ...
Is joint custody good for kids?

Is joint custody good for kids?

Determining who receives what during a divorce is a crucial element of the process. Couples who are divorcing typically hire lawyers because they can’t agree on how to share their assets or custody. In this article, we will discuss custody arrangements and the...
Staying Together for the Kids?

Staying Together for the Kids?

Is Staying Together For the Kids a Good Idea? How many times have you heard a friend, co-worker, or even yourself, say “We’re staying together for the kids,” while being in a pretty miserable marriage? Divorce is never easy, and if you have children, it can be even...
Co-Parenting 101

Co-Parenting 101

When safe and possible, it is best for the child to have both of their parents in their lives, because parental relationships will have the largest impact on the child’s life, and the largest influence of their health, mental well-being, and development. So how does...
Colorado Custody

Colorado Custody

Get your rights on! I skipped the marriage thing when I had my first lil’ bundle of joy. I was 19, scared, alone, and relying on my Mom way more than I’ll ever admit to. My family told me every chance they could that I needed to get custody put in place...